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Services to the industry and other research institutes are provided in the following ways:

Master theses

In their second (and last) Master year, all engineering students have to do their master thesis. The master thesis is rated for 24 credits, which is a bit less than half a year. Typically, 15 to 20 master students do their master thesis in our research group every year.

Every company is invited to suggest master thesis topics for the engineering students (timing: before February 2015 for academic year 2015-2016) (contact person Wim VAN PAEPEGEM).

Valorization consortium "Composites" @ Ghent University

Ghent University counts about 20 valorization consortia, that are bringing together a multidisciplinary team of professors and researchers around a specific topic. Those valorization consortia each have their own full-time business developer who is the interface person to the industry.

Our research group Mechanics of Materials and Structures is coordinator of the valorization consortium on composite materials. This consortium groups 15 professors and more than 60 researchers in the field of composite materials.

The valorization consortium on composites offers services, contract research and long-term research in all domains represented by the circle at the right. From design, over manufacturing and testing till monitoring and ageing, we can offer specialist advice.

More information can be found on http://www.compositesconsortium.ugent.be/.

Logo of the valorization consortium Offered expertise

Spin-off companies

The research group counts two spin-off companies:

  • Com&Sens (Composites & Sensing)

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Support for SME's

The valorization consortium on composites is also a recognized service provider for SME's, in the so-called KMO-portefeuille program from the Flemish government. More information about this program can be found on the KMO-portefeuille website.

Recognized service provider for SMEs